Harnessing the power of innovative science to transform the future of healthcare



商业数码主管 & ,国际 & 日本,澳门葡京网赌游戏



随着新技术和在线功能的不断发展, it’s becoming increasingly clear that innovation and digital tools have an important role to play in the future of healthcare. This is particularly true when we look to address unmet patient need in a post-pandemic world, 确保澳门葡京赌博游戏的卫生系统既具有弹性又经得起未来考验.

澳门葡京网赌游戏, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是让人们享有健康, 社会与地球, and one of the ways we are working towards this is by driving the development of more innovative, patient-centric solutions – harnessing the potential of innovative tools within the healthcare space.


通过澳门葡京赌博游戏的 A.催化剂网络 ——相互联系和动态, global collective of more than 20 health innovation hubs – we are partnering with diverse stakeholders, 包括医疗科技初创企业, 地方政府和跨行业合作伙伴, to address current challenges and increase affordable and equitable access to healthcare. 该网络体现了澳门葡京赌博游戏对推进前沿科学的承诺, 构建可持续医疗生态系统,全面发展, 为患者提供改变生活的解决方案.

其中一个解决方案是由澳门葡京赌博游戏的网络合作伙伴, Qure.ai, developers of deep learning algorithms for the interpretation of radiology images. 他们的胸部x光解释工具, “qXR”, 能够自动检测和定位多达29个异常, 包括那些可能是肺癌的迹象.1,2 There are several features of chest radiographs (such as sharply circumscribed nodules or masses, 边缘不规则的, and those with ill-defined lesions) that can indicate the presence of lung cancer.1 The CE-marked qXR algorithm can not only detect lung nodules with these features with high levels of accuracy, 还要标出这些结节的位置和大小.1,2

在全球范围内, 胸部x光片是最常用的诊断性影像学检查, 每年进行数百万次扫描.1, 3-5 Although chest X-rays are easily performed in primary care and referral settings, 解读这些x射线需要大量的技术和经验, and lack of expertise in reading the imaging can result in missed or delayed diagnosis.4,5,6 一项由quure进行的研究.ai demonstrated a 17% improvement in sensitivity when using AI to interpret chest X-rays, 与放射科医生的读数相比.1 Such aids in early detection can have considerable long-term benefits for medical professionals in their efforts to tackle lung cancer.7 这也意味着每生命年节省的成本更低.1

作为跨多个中心战略协作的一部分,a.催化剂网络将与quure合作.ai to further explore the application of deep learning algorithms to identify patients with suspicious radiographic lung abnormalities and support their referral to arrive at a firm diagnosis. The collaboration will also focus on overcoming barriers that limit access to diagnostic tools to support early lung cancer detection, 从而降低死亡率,改善病人的治疗效果.

澳门葡京赌博游戏与quure的合作.ai aims to harness and scale-up the use of this technology to improve early-stage detection of lung cancer in low- and middle-income countries. 诸如此类的活动代表了澳门葡京赌博游戏更广泛的, 对肺癌患者的全球承诺, 通过澳门葡京赌博游戏与Lung Ambition Alliance的合作正式确立, which was established with the goal of eliminating lung cancer as a cause of death. 在这个, we continue to work toward the development of transformative new possibilities, 这样澳门葡京赌博游戏就可以更好地支持病人的诊断过程, 治疗和疾病管理.


作为各自市场的科学领导者, we believe we have a duty of care to the patients and people living in our communities, 不仅仅是在诊断和治疗方面, 还有疾病意识和教育. By empowering patients to become more active participants in their own health, our aim is to create a more sustainable healthcare model that both positions them at the centre and enables them to make informed decisions that help to ensure their wellbeing.

Our 360º iVaccine Confidence Building programme established a holistic framework for building greater understanding and awareness of COVID-19 within the medical community and among the general population in a number of focus countries – principally, 拉丁美洲和东亚的发展中国家. We harnessed our digital capabilities and delivered tailored content to establish a foundation on which to build a greater understanding of COVID-19 at a time of great need.

分阶段推出, the initiative was structured around three strategic pillars: a social-media-based strategy that sought to identify and gather insights that would shape our next steps; a medical education programme aimed at key external experts and healthcare professionals (HCPs) that would allow them to better educate others about COVID-19; and a digital awareness campaign that would promote greater awareness and understanding by utilising a range of bespoke, 支持交流和参与的教育资源. 到目前为止, more than 150 digital external experts have been identified and engaged with, 解决他们可能有的担忧.


澳门葡京赌博游戏和quure的合作.ai and the 360º iVaccine Confidence Building campaign were recently recognised at the Reuters Pharma Awards 2022, and are representative of our enduring ambition to revolutionise the healthcare space, 以病人为中心.

作为制药行业的领导者, 澳门葡京赌博游戏明白,澳门葡京赌博游戏有责任建立一个健全的, 为人类服务的可持续医疗生态系统, 社会与地球, 无论是现在还是将来. 通过这些倡议和伙伴关系采取大胆行动, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在重新构想和重塑医疗保健方法, ensuring patient experiences and outcomes are considered – and indeed are viewed as a priority across the entire ecosystem.



1. Mahboub B, Shuri H, Al Bastaki U,等. Comparing AI system to identify nodules on chest X-rays against radiologists. 2020. 提交手稿.

2. Qure,人工智能. 自动胸部x光解释- qXR. 2020. 可以在:

http://www.qure.ai / qxr.html. 2020年11月19日.

3. 世界卫生组织. 电离辐射. 第一章:科学背景. 2016. 可在:http://www.谁.int /上读取/ pub_meet / chapter1.pdf?ua=1. 2020年11月19日.

4. 李建军,李建军,李建军,等. 胸部x线平片解释. 胸部. 2012;141(2):545-58.

5. 李建军,李建军,李建军,李建军,等(主编).). 胸部CT与标准x线片的比较分析. 2011. 柏林-海德堡出版社.

6. RSNA. 美国放射科医生短缺.K. 继续深化. 2019年5月24日. 可在:http://www.rsna.org/en/news/2019/May/uk-radiology-shortage. 2020年11月19日.

7. Gossner J. 肺癌筛查——别忘了胸片. 世界放射学杂志. 2014;6(4):116-8.

Veeva ID: Z2-3580


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